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Newsletter: June – 2016

July 5, 2016 | 1712 Views

Happy 4th of July! Happy Birthday to America! This month, we celebrate our country’s independence and freedom. It’s a huge holiday and we love it so much. It is always one of our favorites. Therefore, in the same joy, we are also proudly to announce our upgrades and new releases for the past month:


Location-Based System 4.01 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/location-based-system.html

  • At some point your SocialEngine community will eventually grow and contain millions of content / items. That is actually a good sign for a social network. However, by having too much global information, it might create some negative effects which bothers end-users with accessing to the right-located content. Our Location-Based System plugin will solve those needs and difficulties.

    Location-Based System offers the functionality to add a location-based filtering to your SocialEngine site. It will let users deciding which content will be displaying based on a single location with radius parametersthroughout the entire site. Furthermore, in the purpose of saving times, cookie will be applied to remember users’ last filtered location. 

    Finally, what’s notable here is Location-Based System plugin is putting the displaying control back in the hands of the users who want to explore any SocialEngine communities the way they want. And this plugin is making that a whole lot easier. 


Fund Raising 4.04 & 4.04p1 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/fund-raising.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Support YouNet Responsive Templates and Mobile View
  • Support Braintree gateway
  • Add settings for admin to configure the % commission for each transaction when use Braintree gateway
  • Add my transactions page to manage transactions
  • Support to add location to campaign
  • Support category with 3 levels
  • Support custom fields for each category
  • Support search campaign with location and category
  • Show map location and direction to campaign
  • Can adjust rating
  • Add more widgets: Related Campaigns, Other Campaigns, Most Donated Campaigns, Categories

Advanced Feed System 4.01p3 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/advanced-feed-system.html

  • Update icon of Music feed to better reflect feed type
  • Fix bug unable to save changes in the Global Settings page
  • Fix bug welcome tab doesn’t show when new user signup
  • Fix bug remove HTML characters in feed detail when posting links
  • Fix bug bullets points in Welcome tab content does not show

RESTAPI 4.02 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/rest-api.html

  • Support default Music plugin
  • Support default Event plugin
  • Support default Group plugin
  • Support default Blog plugin
  • Support default Classified plugin

Mobile Application 4.13p1 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/socialengine-mobile-application-full-package.html

  • Quickly open online friends list by swiping to left
  • Events : add an option to sort events by distance
  • Improve search bar for all modules
  • Improve tab bar for all modules: move to top for Android, can scroll tabs
  • Allow grouping menu items
  • Add app permission settings
  • Fix bug missing phrases of translation
  • Fix bug chat doesn’t work when stunnel port is set to other than 9010

Advanced Group 4.08p6 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/advanced-group.html

  • Add Upload option on editor page of group discussion
  • Group activity settings now hide unavailable modules
  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Fix bug high risk vulnerability bug in group search form
  • Fix bug missing some language phrases
  • Fix bug group categories does not displayed
  • Fix bug categories with long names breaks the search form
  • Fix bug group menu show wrong colors on Midnight theme
  • Fix bug group name not shown when sending message to group members
  • Fix bug cross site scripting security issue on group search form
  • Fix bug missing group menu background
  • Fix bug can use HTML tags in category name
  • Fix bug missing Announcement block on YouNet Responsive Purity Template

Advanced Event 4.05p8 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/advanced-event.html

  • Improve Mobile View for Event Detail page
  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Fix bug high risk vulnerability bug in group search form
  • Fix bug missing events on Manage Event page in Admin manage events page
  • Fix bug missing Upload button in Event folder
  • Fix bug click on a specific date on calendar widget does not show results
  • Fix bug event detail page : menu is cut when clicking More widgets button
  • Fix bug calendar on Search form is cut
  • Fix bug cannot remove selected day on Search form
  • Fix bug replace selected day on Search form not working
  • Fix bug missing language phrases
  • Fix bug user can enter a blank tags when creating/editing events

Advanced Blog 4.09p2 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/advanced-blog.html

  • New feature: Export blogs to WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr
  • Improve Upload button color when creating and editing blogs
  • Fix a high risk vulnerability in search function
  • Fix bug Blog Tags widget doesn’t work without having Blog Search form

Affiliate System 4.03p2 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/affiliate-system.html

  • Fully support YouNet Responsive Templates
  • Add a background highlight when searching with keyboard on Network Clients page
  • Increase links length in Suggest links page
  • Fix bug commission amount is reduced on some payment types
  • Fix bug missing mail templates
  • Fix bug video frames are cut on FAQs page
  • Fix bug links get duplicated in Suggest Links list

Advanced Search 4.04p2 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/advanced-search-plugin.html

  • Support YouNet Video Channel plugin
  • Support view modes on Advanced Blog result page
  • Fix bug compatibility issues on mySql 5.6 or later
  • Fix bug broken layout on Ultimate Video result page

Resume 4.01p4 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/resume.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Fix bug cannot add skills when translated phrase has apostrophe
  • Fix bug unable to remove member after add to a project
  • Fix bug PDF resume is displaying gender as male and marital status as Single by default
  • Fix bug on the exported PDF, the header “Contact Information” still appears even if there is no fields listed
  • Fix bug background of My Favorite Resume widget is not covering the content

Contest 4.02p6 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/contest.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Support to add location for contest with Google place
  • Fix bug user is able to submit more than allowed entries
  • Fix bug cannot use songs imported from SOUNDCLOUD for the contest
  • Fix bug ACP – Layout editor – Just show widgets of active modules
  • Fix bug contest detail – Should put ‘Read more’ function to a long announcement

Groupbuy 4.04p5 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/groupbuy.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Support to add deal location with Google place
  • Fix bug cannot configure the number of deals shown at Browse Deals page
  • Fix bug in purchase page, there is always message “You have reached max bought allowed for this privilege. You cannot buy this deal anymore!”

Responsive Event Template 4.01p5 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/responsive-event-template.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Fix bug can’t edit Logo Main Menu widget in Layout Editor after re-adding into header area
  • Fix bug Advance Search Button is not working
  • Fix error when editing Logo & Main Menu widget in Layout Editor

Responsive Metro Template 4.01p3 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/responsive-metro.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Fix bug main menu in Large mode doesn’t show up
  • Fix wrong Installation Guide instruct
  • Fix bug video upload is disappeared when touch on Top notification boxes
  • Fix hyperlink of the feature photo is not working
  • Fix layout of Member Home page is broken on iPad

Listing System 4.01p5 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/listing.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Integrate with Ultimate Video plugin
  • Apply SocialEngine setting of default currency when posting new listing
  • Fix bug Listing photo – Add new photos – More on Menu can’t expand or collapse
  • Fix error happens when create new category
  • Fix bug whenever user go to EDIT Listing page, LOCATION field is reset and becomes empty
  • Fix bug Listing – Contact seller is cut
  • Fix bug ACP – Custom fields – Update layout
  • Fix bug should update Listing status when update time of end date in Edit listing page
  • Fix bug My listings – Export listings – Issue layout

Business Directory 4.01p8 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/business-directory.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Add Insert links button for business description editor
  • Improve search form of Manage Business page in Admin Control Panel
  • Improve layout of Contact Info widget
  • Add a menu item to create new business
  • No longer require a Payment gateway when all packages are free
  • Fix Wrong notification when transfer owner of a business
  • Fix bug cannot change business view permission
  • Fix bug business website link is not working
  • Fix Edit packages page: check-box to select all features and modules are not working
  • Fix bug wrong video uploaded user name
  • Fix bug missing options to configure view modes of Newest Business widget
  • Fix bug missing mail templates for Business join event

Multiple Listing 4.01p2 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/multiple-listings.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Add an option to use theme color or custom color for Listing menu
  • Improve Review Detail page
  • Improve mobile view layout
  • Fix bug Featured Listings widget does not show on MySQL 5.6 or later
  • Fix bug missing current location when edit listings
  • Fix bug cannot search for listings by map in YouNet Advanced Search without logging in
  • Fix bug Listings are pushed down when actions menu opened
  • Fix bug missing items in listing action list
  • Fix bug save button is misplaced in Listing Photos page
  • Fix bug show a blank space before review content
  • Fix bug how more button does not show all review content
  • Fix bug if no video modules are available, show an empty Video label on Listing create/edit page

Job Posting 4.01p5 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/job-posting.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Update some language phrases
  • Fix bug go to none exist page after deleting a job
  • Fix bug candidate’s pdf files are downloaded as zip files 

Advanced Members 4.01p4 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/advanced-members.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Fix bug Page keeps refreshing when adding friends on Featured Member widget
  • Fix bug the feed can’t load more items after user change relationship status

For more updates and releases, please stay tuned with our Blog.

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