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Product Upgrade: Mobile Application 4.14 – new layout and interaction experience

June 20, 2016 | 1599 Views

After a certain period of time since we officially releasing the first version of SocialEngine Mobile Application to our customers, we have received many feedback and suggested improvements. We really appreciate them and already included all of them into our development roadmap to analyze and consider adding to our next released versions. Furthermore, your feedback and suggestions are also some kind of motivation that our team can rely on to try our best to constantly upgrade our products to serve your businesses and communities better. 

In this version – Mobile Application 4.14, we focus on delivering new layout and a whole new interaction experience to users, such as:

  • Review current icons and apply new ones
  • Add new animation to Like Button
    • When user clicks on the button to Like/Unlike, it will appear animation on “thumbs up” icon
  • Move Newsfeed Filter to the right edge
  • Replace the Search Box with a “Search” Icon on menu bar
    • Tap on that icon will appear search box (also on menu bar) and other advanced searching options
  • Replace “More” tab (on the plugins which have multiple tabs) with Scrolling Gesture
    • User can slide left or right to see all tabs
  • Add new Sliding Gesture to open a Friend List 
    • At any page, user can slide right-to-left to open a friend list with online/offline status. From that list, user can open a chat conversation or configure some chat settings as previously
  • New feature to organize Menus into Groups
    • This new feature is helpful for users easier locating a specific menu. Admin can manage these menus/groups in AdminCP
  • Move Tab Menus from the bottom to top (only apply to Android)
  • Add Tab Indicator to enable users recognize which tabs they are on (only apply to Android)
  • Add new function to handle no permission on Android 6.0+ (only apply to Android)

For more information, feel free to visit its posting or experience yourself on our demo.

For more updates and announcements, please stay tuned with our Blog.

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