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Related blogs: Product Upgrade
May 25, 2017 | 1622 Views

Hi everyone, Even though it was just a few days since our first update on our compatibility check, I can’t wait longer to give you more updates. At YouNetCo, we know that you are eager to upgrade SocialEngine sites to new version 4.9. Hence, our team is burning light through nights and working very hard to […]

March 13, 2017 | 1651 Views

Hi everyone, How are you? We wish you are all good. We are having very special feelings when getting back to you today.  And same as other times, we have an interesting update to you. As you all know that we have been working on project to support Right-to-Left layout on all of our plugins. Up to now, we have […]

September 9, 2016 | 1492 Views

Greeting September and we wish you all the best. We were very busy in August and would like to make sure you are up to date alls things we have been working on. We are so excited to announce our new updates of the past month: Upgrades YouNetCore – 4.02p10 Add Google API Key setting Business Directory – […]

July 27, 2016 | 1742 Views

Advanced Album is one of our oldest plugins. As time passes, we’ve released numerous updates to improve functionality, layout and performance. The previous version of 4.11 has been released for a while ago, that’s why we feel this is absolutely the right time to release our Advanced Album 4.12. In this latest version, we ensure it will […]

July 21, 2016 | 1858 Views

Just a while ago, we’ve released our Mobile Application 4.14 which brings new a breath into our app by delivering new layout and a whole new interaction experience to users. Since then, we’ve been receiving the great responses from our valued customers that have motivated us to continue improving our product. And now, we are happy to introduce […]

July 5, 2016 | 1711 Views

Happy 4th of July! Happy Birthday to America! This month, we celebrate our country’s independence and freedom. It’s a huge holiday and we love it so much. It is always one of our favorites. Therefore, in the same joy, we are also proudly to announce our upgrades and new releases for the past month: Release Location-Based System 4.01 […]

June 20, 2016 | 1540 Views

After a certain period of time since we officially releasing the first version of SocialEngine Mobile Application to our customers, we have received many feedback and suggested improvements. We really appreciate them and already included all of them into our development roadmap to analyze and consider adding to our next released versions. Furthermore, your feedback and […]

June 6, 2016 | 1383 Views

Fund Raising 4.04 – better Layout, better Functionalities than ever As our continual progress on upgrading our products, we now proudly release the new version of our Fund Raising. In this new version 4.04, we would not only focusing on improvement of Layout / CSS, but also bringing new experience to users with some added Features / Functionalities. […]

March 21, 2016 | 1888 Views

Have you ever thought that one day you will have in your disposal a tool that can change the world of online collection of moving images, that you will witness the birth of a new era of social network plugin? Our Ultimate Video will bring that chance to you. Or if you are looking for something […]

March 21, 2016 | 1356 Views

On 23 of September 2015, we had enhanced a new layout for our Advanced Blog. And today, we have released a newest upgrade for one of our best plugin and make it even better than before. In this new upgrade, we have improve a lot of things but the most focusing are in these feature: We […]

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