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Related blogs: Utilities
April 16, 2015 | 2547 Views

For a social network, one of the most important factors which contributes to its success is definitely “User”. To ensure the stability of the successful  network, User’s happiness, satisfaction are always taken into account. From that, we believe that User’s opinion, feedback are essential for the development of a network. To introduce a useful tool for sufficient communication […]

December 31, 2014 | 2455 Views

Advanced Search 4.04 – Mobile View compatible, has been released In this version, Advanced Search is updated to be responsive and compatible with Mobile View. Aside from Mobile View compatibility, there are a couple of noteworthy enhancement: Search page are now widgetized All YouNet plugins are supported 3 view modes for search results In addition, Advanced Search page layout is redesigned to […]

December 23, 2014 | 4361 Views

Chat, a popular tool for online communication. Its real time communication mechanism provides an edge over other traditional methods such as email. It’s particularly crucial for Social Network where users usually hang out. Default SE chat has some nice features but it lacks certain advanced features that are available in most of popular chat software. Understanding […]

November 16, 2014 | 2015 Views

As all of you already know, Social Network is a place where users connect with each other. Sharing and interaction is a key to the success of any Social Network, no matter how big it is. One of the key ingredient of interaction is user to user. In current SocialEngine platform, it seems to lack this type […]

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