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Newsletter: April – 2016

May 11, 2016 | 1492 Views

Well, we don’t know about you but we’re very glad to be bidding Winter farewell for another year. Spring is around the corner and little tell-tale signs are appearing everywhere. The bitterly cold days are becoming fewer, the sun is beginning to peek out of the clouds a little more often and the birds are beginning to sing. You can almost feel the anticipation amongst all of these beautiful creation.

Spring is bringing many exciting things our way too, specially the newest releases and updates in April:


REST API 4.01  https://socialengine.younetco.com/rest-api.html

  • Are you having a desire to extend your application, build a SocialEngine community, excite your users and spread across the web? If so, our REST API plugin can assist you in doing that. In the help of getting rid of any frustration in using custom code and relying on the database, this plugin was born to create an easy-to-use,easy-to-understand and well-tested framework for creating APIs.

Full Slider 4.01 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/full-slider.html

  • Sliders have more and more important roles on most of websites nowadays. They not only make your site look professional but also introduce its purpose efficiently. If you are not satisfied with built-in sliders supported in plugins, we believe that our Full Slider plugin will be an excellent solution for you. Many more powerful features are given to help you free-to-design your own attractive sliders and place them in any page. You can configure slides with images, videos, transitions, animation effects, slide navigation, styles of texts and a lot of other supported options. Let join with us now and make your site more special with the Full Slider.


Advanced HTML Block 4.02p4 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/advanced-html-block.html

  • Language settings are now applied to HTML BLock

Affiliate System 4.03p1 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/affiliate-system.html

  • Exchange Rates feature: affiliates can now select their currency to make requests
  • Exchange Rate edit box is improved
  • Selected currency is now shown in Commissions Manage, Requests Manage and Affiliate Detail pages
  • Fix bugs
    • Missing translation phrases for Affiliate notification types
    • Date/Time of Affiliate’s Client sign up is not consistent with Social Engine standard
    • Duplicate commissions with Paypal gateway
    • Commission for Subscription is not updated when paying via some payment gateway

File Sharing 4.03p1 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/file-sharing.html

  • Improvement on allowing to upload multiple files which have the same name
  • Fix bugs
    • Jobs to upload files to Scribd are still running although the site is switched to Google Viewer
    • Owner can’t delete files in folder
    • Error when update settings of Member Level “Public”

Resume 4.01p3 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/resume.html

  • Fix bugs
    • Browse resume, Grid View layout error
    • Broken layout when viewing resume details
    • Internal server error
    • Layout is broken when selecting theme 4
    • In Photo Section, after remove photo, pop-up photo box still show old photo

Business Directory 4.01p7 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/business-directory.html

  • Fix bugs
    • Business detail – Photo of contest is out of frame
    • Categories in Search Businesses widget can’t be translated
    • Categories on Featured Businesses widget aren’t translated
    • Can’t remove Deleted Members of business
    • Deleted businesses are still shown up when using global search
    • Business Details doesn’t show Facebook and Twitter links
    • Invite Guest – Make a search box to search for the member not in the guest list

Fund Raising 4.03p3 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/fund-raising.html

  • Improve Gallery page to distinguish between images and videos upload
  • Fix bugs 
    • Campaigns are overlapped each other on Browse Campaigns page
    • Fundraising’s widgets don’t show up in other plugins

Idea Box 4.03p3 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/idea-box.html

  • Compatible with mySQL 5.6 or later
  • ACP – Change tab name “Settings for Trophies” to “Member Level Settings”
  • My and search result – put category information to the idea
  • Fix bugs
    • ACP – Manage category – Description phrase should be hidden
    • Home – short and extend category icon does not work
    • Detail page – Should show notice “There are no nominees” if the list is empty
    • Should not show tags if idea was not published yet

Ultimate Videos 4.01p2 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/ultimate-videos.html

  • Support Facebook videos
  • Change search label in History page form Search Videos to Search Videos/Playlists
  • Fix bugs
    • Thumbnails are scaled in some widgets
    • Broken layout in “Watch Later” page
    • Remove “Highest Rated” and “Featured” from playlist search widget

Social Store 4.03p4 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/store.html

  • No more requiring sign in/sign up when checkout
  • Improve checkout process
  • Now users are allowed to remove products on Manage Packages page
  • Fix bugs
    • Error message when creating a new product with Product style “downloadable”
    • Layout of Product Details is broken when product has Preview file

Ultimate News 4.05p4 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/ultimate-news.html

  • Support to share news on wall
  • Strip HTML tags in Feed URL
  • Widgetize all pages
  • Fix error with PHP Deprecated: mysql_connect()

Mp3 Music Selling Solution 4.06sp4 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/mp3music-selling-solution.html

  • Fix bug about Transactions are not created when buying music
  • Fix bug Cannot add tracks with price lower than configured minimum price of album

For more updates and releases, please stay tuned with our Blog.


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