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Newsletter: July – 2016

August 11, 2016 | 1408 Views

In northern hemisphere, July is usually the hottest month of the year when it is actually a winter time in southern hemisphere. It gets very cold in Antarctica and rainy in South America. Because there isn’t much rain in July, the grass loses its greenness but the abundance of flower occur. Therefore, to align with the speedy growth, here are our new releases of the past month:


Responsive Purity Template 4.02 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/responsive-purity-template.html

Video Channel 4.02 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/video-channel.html

  • Support Right-To-Left layout

Mobile Application 4.15 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/socialengine-mobile-application-full-package.html

Auction 4.02p5 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/auction_liked_ebay.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Support geolocation while creating, editing or searching for Auctions

Location-Based System 4.02 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/location-based-system.html

Advanced Album 4.12 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/advanced-album.html

  • Supports adding multiple photos on activity feed
  • Supports drag and drop, and reorder photos when posting feed
  • New layout for feeds with multiple photo attachments
  • Redesigns Manage photos page for easier management
  • Adds ability to move photos between albums
  • Adds ability to share Album Slideshow on other sites
  • New layout for Album Listing, Photo Listing, My Albums, Album Detail and Photo Detail pages
  • Adds settings for number of items per page for listing pages
  • Featured Albums now becomes a slideshow
  • Users can now send photos to friends on popup view
  • Supports downloading original, high resolution photos
  • Adds an upload file size limit
  • Moves “Add new photos” button to a separate widget
  • View mode switching buttons now have theme’s color
  • Photo detail: Tag boxes are no longer cut when dragging the tag area to right edge
  • Saves latitude and longitude data when editing photo’s location

Ultimate Social Music 4.02 – http://socialengine.younetco.com/social-music-solution.html

  • Support Right-To-Left layout

Ultimate Video 4.02 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/ultimate-videos.html

  • Support Right-To-Left layout
  • Add a option to upload video directly from the computer/device on the Feed composer

Social Store 4.03p5 – https://socialengine.younetco.com/store.html

  • Integrate with Location-Based System plugin
  • Support geolocation while creating, editing or searching for Stores

For more updates and releases, please stay tuned with our Blog.

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