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Social Store

Social Store



Social Store is the great tool which turns your social community to an online super store. It is based on well-known e-commerce business models, plus wide range of attractive widgets. Your members will have their own store where they can sell both tangible and intangible products including downloadable contents to other members.
Your site will be more attractive with Social Store. You, as a site owner, can earn the profit by charging a fee for publishing store, product, featuring store, and especially, commission per product sold. Social Store can integrate with Affiliate Plugin to expand sale network through referrals by other members.

Best compatibility: SE 4.8.x – 4.9.x
Product version: 4.03p6

License Key:
This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify the license.
The license key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.

Payment Gateway support: Paypal, 2checkout, Google Checkout, Authorize.net.
For other payment gateways, please contact us for custom work.

This module is fully compatible with SE standard themes.
If you use a custom template, please submit a ticket in the Client Area to get help from us.

Knowledge Basehttp://knowledgebase.younetco.com/category/social-engine-products/social-store


  • Do not require sign in/sign up when checkout
  • Improve checkout process
  • Allow user to remove products on Manage Packages page
  • Integrated with Location-Based System plugin
  • Support geolocation while creating, editing or searching for Stores

Key Features

  • Sellers are able to:
    • Add product categories for his store New
    • Add product attributes New
    • Add taxes New
    • Upload file for downloadable products New
    • Add preview file for downloadable products New
    • Add preview video for product via Videos modules New
    • Add shipping  feature: multi-address shipping, multi-tier shipping cost New
  • Admin is able to:
    • Add store categories New
    • Delete stores New
    • Manage all members activities and information such as: manage stores, manage products, manage transactions, manage requests for real money from sellers, manage requests for refunds from buyers, etc
  • Allow buyer to zoom products’ image New
  • Allow sellers to manage their stores, manage their products include their posted products and sold products, mange their own taxes, shipping feed based on their rules, view the statistics of their store and their products
  • Allow sellers to sell both normal products and digital products
  • Support sellers to sell products with multiple prices: market price, discount price for a period, discount price based on the number of bought products
  • Support buyer to buy products via multi-payment Gateways (2checkout, Authorize.net, Google Checkout)
  • Give members many widgets to help them find their best store, products. Inform members about new product info, existing product info, and store info through favorite products, following stores
  • Give members some tools to track sold /purchased product info include: my order (for buyers), sold products, product statistics, my account, etc (for sellers)
  • Integrate with Advanced Feed System

Front – End

  • Stores:  Member can search stores based on specific criteria, categories or view highlight stores on widgets: Hot Stores, Top Selling Products, Most Features Stores, New Stores, All Stores, etc…
    • View one store in details:
      • View general information, contact information, and map for store, shipping methods belong to the store, products of the store
      • Rate store, follow store, share store on other social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
  • Products: Member can search products based on specific criteria, view Featured Slide Products and Most Liked Products on widget. 
    • View one product in details:
      • View general information, store information, illustrated video for the product, price and discount price, product attributes such as size or color, etc
      • Rate product, favorite product, share product on other social networks, zoom product photo or add product to shopping cart
  • My Store: Member can create their own store and becomes a seller. Seller must have PayPal account, and purchased to feature their Store as desired. Seller will inherit functions from Member and has additional functions as following:
    • Edit Store : Member can edit their created stores. 
    • Edit Photos: Member is able to upload more than one photo in their store with 2MB maximum
    • Manage Taxes: Member can Add/Edit Tax by Tax Name and Value
    • Manage Categories: Member can Add/Edit Root Category, Add/Edit Sub-category in their Store
    • My Products
      • Edit Product:  Member can edit their existed Products in a Store
      • Edit Photos: Member can Add More Photos in the product
      • Attributes: Member can select the Attributes Set which created in Attributes Sets option
      • Discount: Member can add discount option for a product. The Discount option will appear when buyer Add product To Card
      • Delete: Member can delete the product in their Store
    • Post Products: Member need to have Paypal account to post the products into their Store.
    • Sold Products: Member can view the List Sold Products of Store with the information such as Order ID, Product, Attributes, Buyer, Quantity, Shipping, Order Date, Delivery Status, Options. Member can also search the sold products by Order ID, Product Title, Buyer
    • My Account: Member is able to Edit Account which includes Gateway, Display Name, Email Address, Last Modified.  Member can also view Store Information such as Sold Amount, Commission, Remain Amount, Received Amount, Waiting Amount, Pending Amount, Available Amount and also Request Money to Site Admin
    • Store Statistics: Member is able to view Store Statistic with Store Summary of number of person follow store, view store and number of comments, Store Rating, Total Products in Store, Available Product in Store, Featured Products in Store, Total Units Sold, Total Income, Total Publish Fee, Total Feature Fee, Product Commission Rate
    • Product Statistics: Member is able to view Product Statistics by Product name, Featured, Rate, Paid Fee, Unit Sold, Income, Option with transition history.
    • Shipping Methods: Member can Add Shipping Method which is used in their Store. Member can also Add Rule to that Shipping Method with the information of:
      • Applied to All Categories: Yes or No
      • Categories: Member can select all available categories
      • Applied to All Countries: Yes or No
      • Countries: Member can select the country which applies the Shipping Method to
      • Per Order Cost: Member can set the base price of each shipping cost
      • Calculate Price Type: Member can choose the Price 
        • Per Items: fixed price
        • Per Weight Unit: per kg/per pound
      • Amount: this is the price charged to an individual item in a particular order. It can be charged as a fixed price or based on weight unit (pound/kg/etc..) depend on the Calculate Price Type chosen above
      • Handling Type:
        • None: no additional charge to handling fee
        • Per Order: a single flat handling fee per order will be charged. The order may include multiple item
        • Per Items: an individual item will be charged an equal amount of handling fee. 
      • Calculated Handling Fee Type (Only valid when handling type is not “None”): Member can choose which Type handling fee will be charged
        • None
        • Fixed
        • Percentage: this will be based on total amount of (Per Order Cost + Amount)
      • Handling Fee (Only valid when handling type is not “None”):   
    • Free Shipping: Member can Add Shipping Method by just simple enter Name and Description.
    • Attributes Sets: Member can Add/Edit/Delete Attribute Sets which will be used in their Store. 
      • Add Attribute Sets: Member is able to add many Attributes Sets as wanted. On each Attribute Set, member is able to Add Attributes by Attribute Type (Single-line Text Input/Select Box) and Attribute Label.
  • Favorite Products: Member can view the list of their favorite products from Products. 
  • Following Stores: Member can view the list of their followed stores here.
  • Shopping card: Your cart is empty if there is no products is chosen for purchase. If there are products were chosen to purchase, the Shopping card will update the total number of items. 
    • Adjust shopping cart such as: add more products to cart, remove products from cart, update the quantity of product for buying
    • Check out and fill their personal information include: shipping information, billing information
    • Pay order via many payment gateways: Paypal, 2checkout, Google Checkout, Authorize.net
  • My Orders: Member can search their order by entering the Order ID.
  • Help: Site admin can add the information of Store here, example: Introduction, Manage Stores with Seller role, Buy products, etc…
  • FAQs: Site admin can add the questions & answers for user’s information.
  • Address Book: Member can add more available addresses into address book for receiving products and billings.


  • For store:
    • Hot Stores (stores that have the most sold products)
    • Listing Products of Store
    • Listing Stores
    • Main Recent Stores (recent stores on main column)
    • Most Commented Stores
    • Most Followed Stores
    • Most Liked Stores
    • Most Rated Stores
    • Random Featured Stores
    • Search Stores
    • Store Slideshow: Slideshow of store
  • For product:
    • Listing Products
    • Main Recent Products (recent products on main column)
    • Most Commented Products
    • Most Favourite Products
    • Most Liked Products
    • Most Rated Products
    • Product Categories
    • Product Slideshow (slideshow of products)
    • Random Featured Products
    • Search Products
    • Search Products In Store
    • Top Selling Products
  • For member profile page:
    • Profile Favourite Products (favourite products on member profile)
    • Profile Followed Stores (followed stores on member profile)
    • Profile Liked Products (liked products on member profile)
    • Profile Liked Stores (liked stores on member profile)

Back – End

  • Manage stores: admin can search stores, view/edit/delete/hide/show stores, approve stores, set stores as featured stores, view statistics of this store
  • Manage Products: admin can search products, view/edit/delete/hide/show products, approve products, set products as featured products
  • Global settings
  • Member level settings
    • Standard SE member level settings
    • Store approval
    • Product approval
    • Publishing fee for store and product
    • Feature fee
    • Commission fee
  • Manage store categories
  • Manage locations
  • Manage currencies
  • Manage payment gateways
  • Manage orders: list all order. Admin can view an order in details same as buyer
  • Manage transactions: view transactions for buying products
  • Statistics: view statistics for stores, products and finance
  • Manage requests: view all request money for sold products of sellers. Admin can accept or deny requests
  • Manage refunds: view all request refunds from buyer. Admin can accept or deny requests
  • Manage email templates: adjust email content that will be sent to members based on their actions such as: buy products, request refunds, etc
  • Manage helps, FAQs
  • Manage store questions: add more field to seller to introduce their store

1. How to post a product?

-> Answer

2. I can’t checkout. There’s no option for selecting shipping method

-> Answer

3. What payment gateways are supported ?

-> Answer

  • Customization service starting from
    $17 / hour
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  • Product Live demo

    Online Product Support

  • Announcement

    • Upcoming Release
    • 1. Ultimate Video 4.01p1
    • 2. Purity Template 4.01
    • 3. Full Slider 4.01
    • 4. Rest API 4.01
    • 5. Advanced Album 4.11p6