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Mobile Application 4.03 – Full Package Release

January 16, 2014 | 4758 Views

After successful release of Mobile Application, we’ve got many feedbacks from our clients. Most of them demand a distinguishing layout which is not as same as Facebook. Common behaviors on this app may be similar to Facebook but Look and Feel should be unique for their own sites. These suggestion are well taken in our new version, besides that, performance issues and bugs are also resolved.

New version of Mobile Application features:

  • Layout Enhancement, User Interaction which bring better user experience
  • Performance Enhancement
  • Feature Improvement

Layout – be more colorful

Old screen

New screen

Consistency layout

Layout (header, font size, screen mode, navigation) are consistent through all pages. You can see screenshot s of landing pages of some plug-ins below.

Simplification with the latest design trend – Flat UI

Modern trend for design is Flatten – no the 3D design, no shadow box, no curve button and no complex icon, this upgrade follows the trend

  • Icon: youthful, fresh, and simple
  • Layout: clean, well-structured layout
  • Friendly interactionwith smooth navigation: larger buttons and inputs, easy-to-navigate, and awesome transition effects.

For full experience, please go to our demo page

Available_on_the_App_Store_Badge_US-UK_135x40_0824 Get it on Google Play

Demo URL: http://semobile.younetco.com

Enhancement of Performance and Display

Due to limitation of bandwidth and resource on mobile, we have optimized the application to minimum resource requirement, now it can run smoothly on low resource devices such as iPhone 3 – iOS 5 or Android 2.3.5. Moreover, it displays perfectly on different screen sizes:

iPhone Android screen sizes

4” iPhone


Feature Improvement

Sign Up

  • Supports default SocialEngine sign-up flow with beautiful wizard for new users
  • Enhance avatar crop capability: image cropping similar todoing on Web.

Check In

By default, SocialEngine does not support check-in function, but it is available on this application. Your users can check in their places based on Mobile Phone – GPS location. 

SocialEngine Photo/Album, Event, Music and Video 

  • Photos and albums: Easy and fast to browse, edit photo and album details:
    • Attach a captured photo to a status and share with friends
    • Like, comment or report a photo
    • Show list of people who like and comment on a photo
  • Event is now also available with many valuable features:
    • Create, edit and join an event.
    • Allow members to view owned past and future events and their friends’ events as well by selecting category.
    • Optional to invite friends to join an event
    • Show number of attendees of an event
  • Social media: Members can enjoy watching to videos and listening to music on mobile with many features, such as search, like and comment.


  • Update status with more attachment content types:link, location, video, and photo
  • User generated content abuse reporting capability

It’s time now for your own experience with our new vesions. Pick right application for your phone and enjoy!

Available_on_the_App_Store_Badge_US-UK_135x40_0824 Get it on Google Play

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