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Auction liked eBay

Auction Like eBay



Auction is now FULLY responsive.

Running an eBay-like auction on your site with our Auction plugin enables users to earn money by posting their items (goods or services) and publish them for bidding. This plugin is served as an online market in which buyers enter competitive bids and sellers enter competitive offers at the same time. Either buyout price or propose a price of an individual item is offered as a convenient feature for those wouldn’t want to go through the bidding process. In addition, sellers can easily keep track of their activities such as their created items, auctions which they are participating. As for the admin of an Auction site, you can easily earn money by charging publishing fee, featuring fee of each auction.

Best compatibility: SE 4.8.x – 4.10.x
Product version: 4.02p7

License key:
This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify the license.
The license key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.


Payment Gateway support: Paypal.
For other payment gateways, please contact us for custom work.

This module is fully compatible with SE standard themes and YouNet themes.
If you use a custom template, please submit ticket in the Client Area to get help from us.


Knowledge Base: http://knowledgebase.younetco.com/category/social-engine-products/auction-like-ebay


  • Add AddThis social sharing block and Open graph meta tags into Auction Detail page

Key Features

  • Create auction products
  • Bid on an item in an auction
  • Direct buy option of a bidding item (Buy-it-now like eBay)
  • Propose your own price of any bidding item to its seller for quick purchase
  • Auctions invoices is sent directly in Social Engine emails.
  • Users must accept Terms of Use before bidding on, buying (one time only) or publishing an auction
  • Landing page for an auction’s details
  • Support admin to configure and manage auctions in Admin Control Panel
  • Support multiple widgets: featured auctions, latest auctions, most rated auctions, active bidders, running auctions, etc.
  • Support FAQs & Help
  • Integrate with Advanced Feed System, Credit, Social Publisher, Advanced Search

Front End

  • Browse: View Photo
    • Search Auction : allow member to search for deal by using keywords,
    • List auction with option to allow member to search for deal Browse By Featured/Most Recent/Start Time/Currency/Total Bids, by Status All/Upcoming/Running/Ended, by available categories/subcategories
    • Support filtering content by radius parameters
    • Slideshow to display featured auctions with basic information such as Deal End In, Starting price, BuyOut Price, Current Price
    • View highlight auctions/users on widgets: Latest Auctions , Running Auctions, Active User , Listing Auctions , Most Rated Auctions, Active Bidders
  • Auction Details: View Photo
    • Displays basic information of auction and three detail tabs: Description, Bid History and Shipping & Payment.
    • Basic Information:
      • Deal End In : display countdown time of auction together with Starting Price (original price of auction) , BuyOut Price (buyer can buy product with this price without place bid) and Current Price (largest price is bidden by user)
      • Place Bid: Allow member to place bid
      • Buy Now: Allow member to buy the product immediately with BuyOut Price
      • Proposal Price: Member can send proposal price to seller, if seller accept, they can buy this product without place bid.
    • Description: will display all the detail of the auction together with Introduction
    • Bid History: display all the bidders in this auction with Bid Amount and Bid Time. View Photo
    • Proposal History: show list of proposal for an auction. View Photo
    • Shipping & Payment: describe the shipping method of product and payment detail
  • Check out:
    • Allow buyer checkout by Paypal gateway
  • Participate Auctions: View Photo
    • List out all the auctions which a member has participated in,
  • My Auctions: View Photo
    • List out all the auctions which created by logging in member
    • Member is able to manage their own auctions such as Stop Auction, Delete Auction, Proposal List for running auctions.
    • Seller can view proposal request with option to accept or deny. View Photo
  • My Account: View Photo
    • Which allow member to view Personal Finance Account Management
    • Allow user to Edit Information of account details
    • Show Sold Items Summary of member’s purchases.
  • Buying: View Photo
    • List all the products have been accepted to sell with proposal price
    • User can checkout products in this page
  • Wining: View Photo
    • List all auctions won by a member, allow user checkout products
  • Post Auction: View Photo
    • Allow member to Post New Auction
  • Help: View Photo
    • Show instructions for members of how to use Auction such as Introduction, Manage Auctions with Sellers role, Term of use and Privacy Statement
  • FAQs: View Photo
    • Show a list of frequently asked questions and answers

Back End

  • Manage Auctions: View Photo
    • Enable admin to manage a list of auctions
    • Allow admin to post an auction
  • Global Settings: View Photo
    • Allow admin to configure general settings for Auction module
  • Member Level Settings: View Photo
    • The settings are applied on a per-member-level basis
  • Categories: View Photo
    • Enable admin to manage categories and sub-categories
  • Questions: View Photo
    • Enable admin to manage auction questions that allow sellers to describe their product in a way that relates to the theme of your community
  • Accounts: View Photo
    • Manage finance accounts
  • Manage Sellers: View Photo
    • Manage all sellers have registered for posting auctions with option for admin to approve or deny
  • Transactions: View Photo
    • Search transactions based on date time
    • View all users’ transactions
  • Locations: View Photo
    • Enable admin to manage locations and sub-locations
  • Help: View Photo
  • FAQs: View Photo
  • Terms: View Photo


Responsive Screenshots




1. I can’t create auction. It keeps saying date should be later than …

-> Answer

2. Does payment goes directly to seller?

-> Answer

3. I have a highest bid on a item. Why doesn’t it appear under winning?

-> Answer


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    $17 / hour
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    Online Product Support

  • Announcement

    • Upcoming Release
    • 1. Ultimate Video 4.01p1
    • 2. Purity Template 4.01
    • 3. Full Slider 4.01
    • 4. Rest API 4.01
    • 5. Advanced Album 4.11p6