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Newsletter: July – 2015

August 10, 2015 | 1973 Views

July was named by the Roman Senate in honor of the Roman general, Julius Caesar, being the month of his birth. We hope you all enjoying a great July and we delightfully want to announce our new releases of this month:


Advanced Forum 4.04p6 – http://socialengine.younetco.com/advanced-forum.html

  • Automatic-detect-link feature works properly
  • tinyMCE editor has included “Upload Photo from Computer” and “Link” 

Affiliate System 4.02p2 – http://socialengine.younetco.com/affiliate-system.html

  • Support edit layout all pages in ACP Layout Editor

Business Directory 4.01p2 – http://socialengine.younetco.com/business-directory.html

  • Admin is able to set a business page to never expire
  • Ability to configure Categories for package plan
  • Add settings for Compare bar
  • Compatible with Multiple Listing plugin
  • Fix several bugs including Edit Business Editors, Cannot Send Message when submitting contact form

Job Posting 4.01p3 – http://socialengine.younetco.com/job-posting.html

  • New function in “My Posted Jobs” section which hides “Download” / “Download All” buttons if there is no files
  • General Information privacy is added in Back End

Mp3 Music Selling Solution 4.06sp3 – http://socialengine.younetco.com/mp3music-selling-solution.html

  • Support Advanced Payment Gateway plugin
  • Improvement in “My Account” which now shows title in pop up policy
  • Bug fixes for “My Playlist” page is blank, “My Account” – Request Money popup –  Text Reason is cut, “My Account” – Edit personal information – Layout is cut, and Hide Menu when stay in “My Playlist” page

Profile Popup 4.01p6 – http://socialengine.younetco.com/profile-popup.html

  • Fix the bug about Event shows incorrect host when hovering on event

Social Ad-Page Transform Extension 4.01p2 – http://socialengine.younetco.com/social-community-ads-page-transformation-extension.html

  • Improvement to be compatible with Multiple Listings module

For more frequent updates and announcements, please stay tuned with our Blogs.


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