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New Product Release: Advanced Member – Everything Is Personalize

November 16, 2014 | 2015 Views

As all of you already know, Social Network is a place where users connect with each other. Sharing and interaction is a key to the success of any Social Network, no matter how big it is. One of the key ingredient of interaction is user to user. In current SocialEngine platform, it seems to lack this type of interaction. There are so many things users want to do but just can’t: – How do you express interest in other user? – How one user can show affection toward other users? – How a user can find friends among thousands of users on a social network? To answer these questions, let us introduce to you, Advanced Member4.01

Advanced Member is developed to help you tackle above problems. Rating and Review allow members to rate and review each other based on their action. Like feature allows members to like each other in order to get update from user being liked and members can add relationship status. Featured Member widget allows users to be featured for a period of time. Birthday reminder widget helps remind users’s friends their birthday to ensure no one’s birthday is forgotten.  There are also other useful widgets such as Birthday calendar, People you may know, Member of the day etc. These widgets promise to bring more real-life interaction into virtual Social Network. 

With 4 view modes supported, members can view this page in  their own layout preference.  In addition, Advanced Member is mobile view  supported and responsive.

There are many more waiting for you to explore. Check out our posting for more info or swing by our demo for user’s experience.

If you have any question or concern, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@younetco.com 

Below is a complete list of features:

  • Support Mobile View and Responsive
  • Custom fields supported on search page
  • Add birthday reminder widget and new page for birthday reminder
  • Allow user to add places including workplace and living places
  • Allow user to add relationship
  • Allow user to like other members as well as get notification from other members’ actions
  • Support 4 view modes
  • User can rate and write review. Add new page to browse reviews
  • Allow admin to add custom fields for review and rating
  • User can charge fee to feature their profiles in some days
  • By default, widget Featured Members appears on Home Page, Member Profile Page and Members Page
  • Integrate with Advanced Payment Gateway, Advanced Search and User Credit
  • Allow users to add cover photo to their profile


  • Featured Members
  • Birthday Calendar
  • People You May Know
  • Most Reviewed Members
  • Top Rated Members
  • Member Of The Day
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