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Advanced Menu System

Advanced Menu System



What is the first thing that visitors look for when viewing a website? Navigation system. They want to know how to get to certain pages or access certain features of your web application. Therefore, it is important to have a clean, attractive and easy-to-use menu system, especially for social network because let’s face it nobody is going to stay long if they are unable to navigate through your site. Having a multi-function menu system not only helps your users in finding what they look for easily but also show that your site is well-structured from navigational level.

Advanced Menu System was developed to bring site owners a new way to decorate and organize their menu system. Organizing menu is simple with drag and drop action. Its highly functional features and beautiful design bring a fresh new look to your website. Advanced Menu System features a 3-level menu system along with individual menu item settings and detail configuration. Its flexibility includes the ability to configure even the smallest details possible such as text color, hover color, separated line type, border size, border color, background color etc. There are 5 different stylish menus to choose from and each has its own set of CSS settings. Menu item can be shown as text or icon, however, you like. Personalizing menu system has never been easier. On top of that, Advanced Menu System provides a popup login/signup, which allows admin to replace default quick login widget with something else.

Best compatibility: SE 4.8.x – 4.10.x
Product version: 4.04p8

Notice: Advanced Menu System works well with standard SE default templates. If you use a custom template, please submit a ticket for customization service.

License key

  • This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify the license.
  • The license key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.



Key Features

  • Responsive and adaptive design
  • Customized decoration (CSS setting) beside 5 build-in themes
  • Provide flexible visibility and organization menu system:
    • You can not only change label and content of each element but also add or remove ones
  • Menu system contains 2 menu widgets with different functions and configurations
    • Main Navigation Menu and Mini Navigation Menu with different functions and configurations
  • Support popup login/signup to increase user’s experience
  • The notification like Facebook style
    • Friend Requests
    • Messages
    • Updates
  • Provide a navigation menu system with highly configurable structure and personalized decoration
    • 5 different main menu styles: Flat, Metro, Simple, Special, White
    • 4 different types of menu: Standard Hierarchical Navigation Menu, Multi Column Menu, Mixed Menu, Main Menu With Content
    • Float/Fixed menu bar
  • Sitemap generation based on current setup of menu items
  • Smooth animation effect

Front End

  • Mini Menu
    • Notification system is displayed like Facebook
      • Friend Requests
      • Messages
      • Updates
    • Display menus in sub-menus
  • Main Menu
    • Menu displayed in hierarchical order with sleek design
      • Flat
      • Special
      • Metro
      • Simple
      • White
    • Drop-down content with different types
      • Standard Hierarchical Navigation Menu
      • Multi Column Menu
      • Mixed Menu
      • Main Menu With Content
  • Popup Login and Signup
  • Menu can be set to be Float or in Fixed position.
  • Number of menu items exceeding limit set by widget setting will grouped under “more”

Back End

  • Menu Settings
    • 2 menus are available for setup : Mini Menu and Main Menu
      • Mini Menu
        • As an administrator, you can do some action on it such as enable/disable to show it for your whole network, or organize an item in sub-menu
        • Drag and drop enables easy menu organization
      • Main Menu
        • Beside main items corresponding to integrated plugins configured by default, administrators now have the ability to add other items with their contents, and set up its properties such as label, URL, icon, color and style. There are 4 style to choose from:
          • Standard Hierarchical Navigation Menu
          • Multi Column Menu
          • Mixed Menu
          • Main Menu With Content
        • Drag and drop enables easy menu organization
        • Create submenu option for each menu item
        • Delete/edit menu item
    • Create site map from current setup of menu
  • Style Settings
    •  5 amazing build-in themes:
      • Simple
      • Flat
      • White
      • Special
      • Metro
    • CSS options for very small detail (text color, border color, background color, separating line style and hover properties, etc.)
      • These settings will override theme’s menu setting
  • Content Setting
    • Manage content for “Main Menu With Content” or “Mixed Menu” styles
    • Enable/Disable Content
    • Edit/Delete Content
  • Social Link Settings
    • Provide options for configuring social links in footer menu
    • Each has its own style and color

Question 1: How change menu style?

-> Answer

Question 2: How to create a mixed menu like Featured menu on our demo site?

-> Answer

Question 3: How to create Content Menu ?

-> Answer

  • Customization service starting from
    $17 / hour
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  • Announcement

    • Upcoming Release
    • 1. Ultimate Video 4.01p1
    • 2. Purity Template 4.01
    • 3. Full Slider 4.01
    • 4. Rest API 4.01
    • 5. Advanced Album 4.11p6