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Mobile Application Full Package – Monthly Payment

SocialEngine Mobile Application - Monthly Payment


We do understand the fact that many of you would like to try our Mobile Solution in advance in order to make sure you make the right investment into our mobile app. Small monthly payment not only help you to slip the bill but also encourage us to keep going on improving our product.

The monthly payment is $99 (*) – Setup Fee and Splash Login Integration is not included.


Highlight Features

Mobile Application is essential to the success of any Social Network, this need is no doubt. YouNet Mobile Application for SocialEngine based site is a perfect answer to this need.

This is a Mobile Native Application, which could help your user easily to access your site from iOS, Android Phone, Tablet Devices. It does not only bring the better way for your user to experience your site but also make your site more professional. The unique design is specially designed for SocialEngine based Social Site, users still find it’s very easy to use just as Facebook, Google Plus, but still, the core of SocialEngine and your site are still there, which is distingue your application to Facebook one.

For more information – http://socialengine.younetco.com/socialengine-mobile-application-full-package.html

Guideline to build application

  1. Purchase the App, get the license under Client Area
  2. Send us the required information stated at Mobile Application Build Requirements
  3. We install on server side and build application for your: apk, ipa.


  • Application is built with default template, color, icon and all phases just as our demo application
  • Applications will be published under YouNet Developer Account.
  • Subscription can be switched to ONE Time payment at any time. When switching, client will need to pay an amount equal to (full price – discount). The total discount is calculated based on how many months that have been subscribed. For each month of subscription, client will get $80 discount of one-time price and maximum discount is at $500.
  • Subscription Plan also includes the applications building process and the period that takes to submit the applications to app stores as well as the time waiting for approval from Apple and Google.
  • For any build application request after the first one is released, extra fee will be charged – Mobile Application – Full Build Service
  • Subscription can be canceled at any time. Payment already made with the month being canceled will be not refunded https://www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/helpcenter/helphub/article/?articleID=FAQ2145&m=SRE
  • Once the subscription is canceled / suspended, all of the associated licenses and services will be terminated as well.
  • Splash Login and Build Fee are NOT refundable.
  • Source Code can only be purchased if you make one-time payment under restricted conditions. Price is NOT included in License Cost ($1,200). Kindly contact us for more information.
  • Customization service starting from
    $17 / hour
  • Get a free quote now!

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  • Announcement

    • Upcoming Release
    • 1. Ultimate Video 4.01p1
    • 2. Purity Template 4.01
    • 3. Full Slider 4.01
    • 4. Rest API 4.01
    • 5. Advanced Album 4.11p6