Mobile Application – Full Build Service

Mobile Application - Full Build Service
Our team will take care of building, submitting and maintaining your apps for you (on your own accounts, or YouNet’s). Mobile Application – Full Build Service will make it a lot more easier to convert your SocialEngine community to a mobile app with native features for iOS (iPhone, iPad, Android) and Android phones and tablets. For a certain choice of version, you can use our Mobile Application – Build Service instead.
Scope of Service:
- This service applies to build ALL 3 versions (iPhone, iPad, Android) of YouNet’s Mobile Applications
- This is only Build Service, which is not including Mobile Application license
- Once the Application is built, if there is any change made by you, extra fee might be charged
- Updating Mobile Application to newer version would be considered as rebuild. Thus, Build Application Service might be charged
- If your Application is customized, extra fee will be charged following case-by-case quotation
- The building process includes up to 2 reviewing times (total on all versions) before publishing to App Store or Google Play
- We will upload builds to App Store and Google Play but not including publishing process (provide required screenshots and other information in order to be approved by Apple and Google)
Guideline to build application:
- Purchase the App, get the license under Client Area
- Enroll into the Apple Developer and/or Android Developer Program
- Send us the required information stated at Mobile Application Build Requirements
- We set up on server side and build your application to apk, ipa format.
- Application is built with default template, color, icon and all phases just as our demo application.
- Only icon on landing page is changeable and will be changed once.
- Lifetime FREE upgrading to latest released versions, but re-build fee and migration fee (if there is any custom works) may be applied.
- Splash Login and Build Fee are NOT refundable.
- We only build application once all required info is provided. Follow this guide for more detail.
- Due to the technical limitation for Android. Some of theme loader function is not able to apply for.
- Mobile App is supported the standard features of all YouNet advanced modules.